Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2019
Generated 01-Nov-2019 03:26 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2019
Total Hits 67662
Total Files 54815
Total Pages 27279
Total Visits 9042
Total KBytes 909863
Total Unique Sites 5020
Total Unique URLs 1121
Total Unique Referrers 785
Total Unique User Agents 888
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 90 905
Hits per Day 2182 3587
Files per Day 1768 2775
Pages per Day 879 1479
Sites per Day 161 346
Visits per Day 291 391
KBytes per Day 29350 52317
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 81.01% 54815
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.03% 20
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 10.09% 6825
Code 302 - Found 0.03% 17
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.42% 281
Code 403 - Forbidden 3.20% 2168
Code 404 - Not Found 5.03% 3403
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.20% 133

Daily usage for October 2019

Daily Statistics for October 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2831 4.18% 2292 4.18% 908 3.33% 355 3.93% 342 6.81% 38116 4.19%
2 1833 2.71% 1350 2.46% 792 2.90% 292 3.23% 272 5.42% 20074 2.21%
3 2322 3.43% 1747 3.19% 992 3.64% 271 3.00% 246 4.90% 28468 3.13%
4 1884 2.78% 1410 2.57% 828 3.04% 320 3.54% 286 5.70% 22492 2.47%
5 1559 2.30% 1167 2.13% 749 2.75% 302 3.34% 255 5.08% 18708 2.06%
6 1624 2.40% 1215 2.22% 814 2.98% 283 3.13% 267 5.32% 20666 2.27%
7 2940 4.35% 2580 4.71% 1479 5.42% 292 3.23% 306 6.10% 43735 4.81%
8 3095 4.57% 2103 3.84% 1236 4.53% 275 3.04% 250 4.98% 32675 3.59%
9 2592 3.83% 2030 3.70% 984 3.61% 302 3.34% 282 5.62% 34410 3.78%
10 3587 5.30% 2775 5.06% 1370 5.02% 331 3.66% 338 6.73% 52317 5.75%
11 2362 3.49% 1889 3.45% 1093 4.01% 347 3.84% 292 5.82% 33749 3.71%
12 1816 2.68% 1381 2.52% 1066 3.91% 249 2.75% 231 4.60% 26693 2.93%
13 2347 3.47% 1942 3.54% 1289 4.73% 391 4.32% 337 6.71% 29773 3.27%
14 2591 3.83% 2293 4.18% 1161 4.26% 309 3.42% 280 5.58% 37036 4.07%
15 2512 3.71% 2073 3.78% 1011 3.71% 363 4.01% 297 5.92% 35400 3.89%
16 2154 3.18% 1830 3.34% 588 2.16% 311 3.44% 268 5.34% 27516 3.02%
17 2005 2.96% 1647 3.00% 832 3.05% 267 2.95% 323 6.43% 26418 2.90%
18 2227 3.29% 1859 3.39% 654 2.40% 270 2.99% 296 5.90% 28969 3.18%
19 1198 1.77% 947 1.73% 533 1.95% 255 2.82% 272 5.42% 18220 2.00%
20 1036 1.53% 712 1.30% 533 1.95% 233 2.58% 237 4.72% 12758 1.40%
21 2162 3.20% 1896 3.46% 647 2.37% 260 2.88% 266 5.30% 31392 3.45%
22 2742 4.05% 2497 4.56% 626 2.29% 262 2.90% 269 5.36% 34979 3.84%
23 2330 3.44% 1955 3.57% 1244 4.56% 283 3.13% 257 5.12% 38074 4.18%
24 2105 3.11% 1714 3.13% 742 2.72% 290 3.21% 324 6.45% 28521 3.13%
25 1389 2.05% 1111 2.03% 563 2.06% 260 2.88% 245 4.88% 19506 2.14%
26 1217 1.80% 820 1.50% 637 2.34% 263 2.91% 308 6.14% 16769 1.84%
27 1631 2.41% 1162 2.12% 820 3.01% 300 3.32% 346 6.89% 19461 2.14%
28 2004 2.96% 1652 3.01% 741 2.72% 316 3.49% 275 5.48% 29171 3.21%
29 2251 3.33% 1935 3.53% 600 2.20% 275 3.04% 242 4.82% 27429 3.01%
30 2482 3.67% 2292 4.18% 580 2.13% 278 3.07% 267 5.32% 34124 3.75%
31 2834 4.19% 2539 4.63% 1167 4.28% 255 2.82% 294 5.86% 42243 4.64%

Hourly usage for October 2019

Hourly Statistics for October 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 72 2256 3.33% 58 1799 3.28% 30 960 3.52% 939 29105 3.20%
1 59 1840 2.72% 43 1358 2.48% 34 1073 3.93% 895 27740 3.05%
2 55 1706 2.52% 40 1265 2.31% 27 843 3.09% 709 21974 2.42%
3 59 1857 2.74% 46 1450 2.65% 31 972 3.56% 904 28012 3.08%
4 69 2156 3.19% 49 1526 2.78% 49 1548 5.67% 1065 33025 3.63%
5 78 2439 3.60% 53 1665 3.04% 45 1402 5.14% 1153 35745 3.93%
6 97 3030 4.48% 79 2477 4.52% 46 1435 5.26% 1309 40591 4.46%
7 112 3472 5.13% 100 3124 5.70% 51 1585 5.81% 1584 49095 5.40%
8 74 2313 3.42% 62 1940 3.54% 40 1261 4.62% 1114 34545 3.80%
9 91 2828 4.18% 73 2282 4.16% 33 1023 3.75% 1186 36774 4.04%
10 91 2851 4.21% 78 2443 4.46% 27 839 3.08% 1174 36391 4.00%
11 112 3499 5.17% 97 3009 5.49% 31 976 3.58% 1528 47364 5.21%
12 103 3218 4.76% 91 2825 5.15% 28 879 3.22% 1295 40144 4.41%
13 89 2759 4.08% 69 2156 3.93% 37 1175 4.31% 1095 33932 3.73%
14 74 2314 3.42% 59 1842 3.36% 32 995 3.65% 1021 31664 3.48%
15 107 3320 4.91% 90 2804 5.12% 34 1064 3.90% 1404 43523 4.78%
16 131 4085 6.04% 110 3422 6.24% 38 1194 4.38% 1580 48977 5.38%
17 111 3466 5.12% 96 2999 5.47% 27 851 3.12% 1447 44864 4.93%
18 135 4198 6.20% 101 3155 5.76% 52 1642 6.02% 1573 48775 5.36%
19 109 3406 5.03% 93 2896 5.28% 43 1343 4.92% 1550 48037 5.28%
20 85 2650 3.92% 64 1997 3.64% 37 1157 4.24% 1212 37573 4.13%
21 80 2496 3.69% 63 1957 3.57% 34 1065 3.90% 1117 34632 3.81%
22 90 2815 4.16% 73 2280 4.16% 30 932 3.42% 1240 38430 4.22%
23 86 2688 3.97% 69 2144 3.91% 34 1065 3.90% 1256 38951 4.28%

Top 30 of 1121 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3007 4.44% 120388 13.23% /
2 2405 3.55% 6015 0.66% /robots.txt
3 1010 1.49% 14983 1.65% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
4 697 1.03% 9881 1.09% /news-events/sharon-feigal-starting-anew
5 696 1.03% 10753 1.18% /news-events/cannes-film-festival-marche-du-film-next-cannes-may-14-25-2019/
6 634 0.94% 9294 1.02% /news-events/miptv-cannes-france-2-6-april-2017
7 585 0.86% 1145 0.13% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/jquery.hoverIntent.js
8 557 0.82% 6618 0.73% /sites/all/libraries/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js
9 552 0.82% 9963 1.10% /misc/drupal.js
10 550 0.81% 2432 0.27% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/superfish.js
11 549 0.81% 544 0.06% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/styles/default/colorbox_style.js
12 548 0.81% 30158 3.31% /homepage
13 548 0.81% 813 0.09% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/nice_menus.js
14 547 0.81% 988 0.11% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/js/colorbox_load.js
15 547 0.81% 3282 0.36% /sites/all/modules/extlink/extlink.js
16 546 0.81% 1025 0.11% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/jquery.bgiframe.js
17 544 0.80% 1787 0.20% /misc/jquery.once.js
18 542 0.80% 746 0.08% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/js/rightsstuff.js
19 539 0.80% 714 0.08% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/js/colorbox.js
20 538 0.80% 48933 5.38% /sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js
21 534 0.79% 2407 0.26% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/js/jquery.backstretch.min.js
22 533 0.79% 16106 1.77% /news-events
23 527 0.78% 2052 0.23% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/css/nice_menus.css
24 518 0.77% 1003 0.11% /sites/all/themes/drupstrap/css/styles.css
25 517 0.76% 3203 0.35% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/nice_menus_rs.css
26 513 0.76% 411 0.05% /sites/all/modules/extlink/extlink.css
27 513 0.76% 695 0.08% /sites/all/modules/logintoboggan/logintoboggan.css
28 513 0.76% 8338 0.92% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/style.css
29 512 0.76% 2570 0.28% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/styles/default/colorbox_style.css
30 511 0.76% 413 0.05% /sites/all/modules/ckeditor/css/ckeditor.css

Top 10 of 1121 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3007 4.44% 120388 13.23% /
2 538 0.80% 48933 5.38% /sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js
3 548 0.81% 30158 3.31% /homepage
4 533 0.79% 16106 1.77% /news-events
5 1010 1.49% 14983 1.65% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
6 696 1.03% 10753 1.18% /news-events/cannes-film-festival-marche-du-film-next-cannes-may-14-25-2019/
7 552 0.82% 9963 1.10% /misc/drupal.js
8 697 1.03% 9881 1.09% /news-events/sharon-feigal-starting-anew
9 384 0.57% 9511 1.05% /misc/ajax.js
10 634 0.94% 9294 1.02% /news-events/miptv-cannes-france-2-6-april-2017

Top 10 of 402 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3007 4.44% 3219 41.24% /
2 1010 1.49% 957 12.26% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
3 696 1.03% 212 2.72% /news-events/cannes-film-festival-marche-du-film-next-cannes-may-14-25-2019/
4 533 0.79% 123 1.58% /news-events
5 223 0.33% 113 1.45% /about-us
6 634 0.94% 106 1.36% /news-events/miptv-cannes-france-2-6-april-2017
7 548 0.81% 100 1.28% /homepage
8 92 0.14% 95 1.22% /services/entertainment-business-affairs
9 697 1.03% 76 0.97% /news-events/sharon-feigal-starting-anew
10 187 0.28% 76 0.97% /services/digital-content-acquisition

Top 10 of 411 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3007 4.44% 3598 46.39% /
2 1010 1.49% 426 5.49% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
3 696 1.03% 211 2.72% /news-events/cannes-film-festival-marche-du-film-next-cannes-may-14-25-2019/
4 289 0.43% 138 1.78% /contact
5 533 0.79% 116 1.50% /news-events
6 634 0.94% 96 1.24% /news-events/miptv-cannes-france-2-6-april-2017
7 223 0.33% 94 1.21% /about-us
8 548 0.81% 93 1.20% /homepage
9 92 0.14% 91 1.17% /services/entertainment-business-affairs
10 697 1.03% 88 1.13% /news-events/sharon-feigal-starting-anew

Top 30 of 5020 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3520 5.20% 627 1.14% 22190 2.44% 410 4.53%
2 1463 2.16% 1063 1.94% 16337 1.80% 8 0.09%
3 1232 1.82% 1107 2.02% 13021 1.43% 13 0.14%
4 1156 1.71% 1156 2.11% 13725 1.51% 4 0.04%
5 779 1.15% 357 0.65% 12557 1.38% 2 0.02%
6 767 1.13% 764 1.39% 13342 1.47% 14 0.15%
7 751 1.11% 723 1.32% 14073 1.55% 15 0.17%
8 589 0.87% 589 1.07% 4597 0.51% 0 0.00%
9 558 0.82% 558 1.02% 4355 0.48% 0 0.00%
10 531 0.78% 531 0.97% 5001 0.55% 4 0.04%
11 485 0.72% 0 0.00% 222 0.02% 1 0.01%
12 476 0.70% 468 0.85% 5596 0.61% 11 0.12%
13 447 0.66% 443 0.81% 6491 0.71% 52 0.58%
14 435 0.64% 434 0.79% 6421 0.71% 35 0.39%
15 403 0.60% 403 0.74% 3145 0.35% 0 0.00%
16 380 0.56% 365 0.67% 10187 1.12% 1 0.01%
17 374 0.55% 374 0.68% 2911 0.32% 0 0.00%
18 349 0.52% 333 0.61% 5726 0.63% 7 0.08%
19 342 0.51% 342 0.62% 2668 0.29% 0 0.00%
20 342 0.51% 337 0.61% 4050 0.45% 3 0.03%
21 330 0.49% 330 0.60% 3957 0.43% 3 0.03%
22 326 0.48% 310 0.57% 5266 0.58% 7 0.08%
23 314 0.46% 313 0.57% 4153 0.46% 2 0.02%
24 310 0.46% 308 0.56% 4106 0.45% 2 0.02%
25 274 0.40% 274 0.50% 5200 0.57% 4 0.04%
26 272 0.40% 248 0.45% 4477 0.49% 6 0.07%
27 272 0.40% 268 0.49% 3887 0.43% 2 0.02%
28 254 0.38% 253 0.46% 3722 0.41% 3 0.03%
29 252 0.37% 252 0.46% 4173 0.46% 3 0.03%
30 241 0.36% 236 0.43% 3070 0.34% 5 0.06%

Top 10 of 5020 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3520 5.20% 627 1.14% 22190 2.44% 410 4.53%
2 1463 2.16% 1063 1.94% 16337 1.80% 8 0.09%
3 751 1.11% 723 1.32% 14073 1.55% 15 0.17%
4 1156 1.71% 1156 2.11% 13725 1.51% 4 0.04%
5 767 1.13% 764 1.39% 13342 1.47% 14 0.15%
6 1232 1.82% 1107 2.02% 13021 1.43% 13 0.14%
7 779 1.15% 357 0.65% 12557 1.38% 2 0.02%
8 380 0.56% 365 0.67% 10187 1.12% 1 0.01%
9 447 0.66% 443 0.81% 6491 0.71% 52 0.58%
10 435 0.64% 434 0.79% 6421 0.71% 35 0.39%

Top 30 of 785 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 27166 40.15% - (Direct Request)
2 335 0.50%
3 198 0.29%
4 82 0.12%
5 56 0.08% 554fcae493e564ee0dc75bdf2ebf94caads
6 53 0.08% 45ea207d7a2b68c49582d2d22adf953aads
7 34 0.05%
8 30 0.04%
9 24 0.04%
10 21 0.03%
11 21 0.03%
12 20 0.03%
13 18 0.03%
14 18 0.03%
15 18 0.03%
16 18 0.03%
17 18 0.03%
18 18 0.03%
19 18 0.03%
20 17 0.03%
21 15 0.02%
22 15 0.02%
23 15 0.02%
24 15 0.02%
25 15 0.02%
26 15 0.02%
27 15 0.02%
28 15 0.02%
29 15 0.02%
30 15 0.02%

Top 15 of 888 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4070 6.02% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36
2 3520 5.20% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,
3 2917 4.31% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/6.1; +
4 2455 3.63% The Knowledge AI
5 2005 2.96% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/6~bl; +
6 1914 2.83% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
7 1883 2.78% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36
8 1583 2.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.96 Mobile S
9 1463 2.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36
10 1310 1.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.1; en-us; Nexus 5 Build/JOP40D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko; googleweblight) Chrome
11 1226 1.81% ZoominfoBot (zoominfobot at zoominfo dot com)
12 1194 1.76% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2)
13 1130 1.67% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.80 Safari/537.36
14 1100 1.63% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/75.0.3770.90 Safari/537.36
15 1017 1.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for October 2019

Top 30 of 68 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 23826 35.21% 16149 29.46% 294216 32.34% Unresolved/Unknown
2 21586 31.90% 18563 33.86% 302968 33.30% Commercial (com)
3 7155 10.57% 6559 11.97% 107856 11.85% Network (net)
4 3920 5.79% 3830 6.99% 52497 5.77% Netherlands
5 2363 3.49% 1646 3.00% 37067 4.07% Germany
6 1521 2.25% 1302 2.38% 18339 2.02% European Union
7 1174 1.74% 1106 2.02% 13736 1.51% France
8 963 1.42% 956 1.74% 11494 1.26% Canada
9 674 1.00% 674 1.23% 8943 0.98% Australia
10 664 0.98% 654 1.19% 6903 0.76% India
11 297 0.44% 206 0.38% 5665 0.62% Russian Federation
12 287 0.42% 282 0.51% 2608 0.29% Argentina
13 277 0.41% 255 0.47% 4086 0.45% Brazil
14 272 0.40% 268 0.49% 3887 0.43% Belgium
15 233 0.34% 204 0.37% 2504 0.28% Czech Republic
16 221 0.33% 221 0.40% 2636 0.29% Israel
17 200 0.30% 150 0.27% 1984 0.22% China
18 189 0.28% 184 0.34% 3372 0.37% Greece
19 156 0.23% 147 0.27% 2430 0.27% British Indian Ocean Territory
20 126 0.19% 117 0.21% 1470 0.16% Thailand
21 124 0.18% 123 0.22% 2984 0.33% Mexico
22 122 0.18% 116 0.21% 1553 0.17% Poland
23 118 0.17% 117 0.21% 1425 0.16% Italy
24 118 0.17% 113 0.21% 1384 0.15% Norway
25 118 0.17% 115 0.21% 1453 0.16% Sweden
26 112 0.17% 112 0.20% 1542 0.17% Bulgaria
27 112 0.17% 112 0.20% 1334 0.15% Pakistan
28 100 0.15% 99 0.18% 687 0.08% Spain
29 81 0.12% 79 0.14% 1050 0.12% Taiwan
30 78 0.12% 77 0.14% 2269 0.25% Switzerland

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21