Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2019
Generated 01-Oct-2019 03:33 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2019
Total Hits 68801
Total Files 55216
Total Pages 30479
Total Visits 9558
Total KBytes 983105
Total Unique Sites 5314
Total Unique URLs 1100
Total Unique Referrers 1026
Total Unique User Agents 972
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 95 1163
Hits per Day 2293 4222
Files per Day 1840 3868
Pages per Day 1015 2293
Sites per Day 177 429
Visits per Day 318 483
KBytes per Day 32770 65708
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 80.25% 55216
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.06% 44
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 11.11% 7646
Code 302 - Found 0.01% 5
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.36% 248
Code 403 - Forbidden 3.44% 2368
Code 404 - Not Found 4.57% 3147
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.18% 127

Daily usage for September 2019

Daily Statistics for September 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1214 1.76% 990 1.79% 558 1.83% 278 2.91% 286 5.38% 15946 1.62%
2 2186 3.18% 1732 3.14% 698 2.29% 354 3.70% 360 6.77% 30000 3.05%
3 1910 2.78% 1468 2.66% 852 2.80% 338 3.54% 312 5.87% 24081 2.45%
4 2490 3.62% 2120 3.84% 712 2.34% 371 3.88% 369 6.94% 32444 3.30%
5 2231 3.24% 1825 3.31% 1097 3.60% 336 3.52% 280 5.27% 33204 3.38%
6 3102 4.51% 2641 4.78% 1898 6.23% 256 2.68% 235 4.42% 65708 6.68%
7 2984 4.34% 2662 4.82% 2293 7.52% 256 2.68% 232 4.37% 64688 6.58%
8 972 1.41% 635 1.15% 726 2.38% 284 2.97% 282 5.31% 14104 1.43%
9 2943 4.28% 2727 4.94% 1224 4.02% 206 2.16% 228 4.29% 58805 5.98%
10 2677 3.89% 2305 4.17% 1411 4.63% 318 3.33% 325 6.12% 42287 4.30%
11 4222 6.14% 3868 7.01% 1953 6.41% 317 3.32% 324 6.10% 63263 6.44%
12 2881 4.19% 2183 3.95% 1180 3.87% 446 4.67% 394 7.41% 37889 3.85%
13 1970 2.86% 1470 2.66% 1019 3.34% 338 3.54% 313 5.89% 28544 2.90%
14 2149 3.12% 1505 2.73% 1055 3.46% 352 3.68% 343 6.45% 26672 2.71%
15 1477 2.15% 1034 1.87% 764 2.51% 321 3.36% 311 5.85% 18485 1.88%
16 2821 4.10% 2205 3.99% 957 3.14% 393 4.11% 429 8.07% 35299 3.59%
17 2970 4.32% 2362 4.28% 1040 3.41% 474 4.96% 414 7.79% 37983 3.86%
18 2463 3.58% 1525 2.76% 1209 3.97% 483 5.05% 423 7.96% 29916 3.04%
19 1784 2.59% 1206 2.18% 929 3.05% 401 4.20% 390 7.34% 22826 2.32%
20 2651 3.85% 2331 4.22% 605 1.98% 305 3.19% 276 5.19% 33571 3.41%
21 2591 3.77% 1896 3.43% 1222 4.01% 339 3.55% 285 5.36% 33238 3.38%
22 1477 2.15% 1059 1.92% 794 2.61% 257 2.69% 225 4.23% 20587 2.09%
23 2206 3.21% 1937 3.51% 577 1.89% 270 2.82% 279 5.25% 27665 2.81%
24 2237 3.25% 1889 3.42% 880 2.89% 262 2.74% 267 5.02% 29179 2.97%
25 2391 3.48% 2016 3.65% 698 2.29% 288 3.01% 279 5.25% 31818 3.24%
26 1791 2.60% 1490 2.70% 696 2.28% 260 2.72% 244 4.59% 23659 2.41%
27 2004 2.91% 1562 2.83% 844 2.77% 278 2.91% 251 4.72% 25239 2.57%
28 2105 3.06% 1535 2.78% 1036 3.40% 263 2.75% 239 4.50% 26425 2.69%
29 1752 2.55% 1202 2.18% 763 2.50% 260 2.72% 229 4.31% 23122 2.35%
30 2150 3.12% 1836 3.33% 789 2.59% 277 2.90% 240 4.52% 26457 2.69%

Hourly usage for September 2019

Hourly Statistics for September 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 69 2096 3.05% 55 1672 3.03% 40 1214 3.98% 1086 32565 3.31%
1 96 2892 4.20% 75 2274 4.12% 51 1549 5.08% 1336 40090 4.08%
2 79 2371 3.45% 64 1926 3.49% 58 1752 5.75% 1729 51883 5.28%
3 58 1745 2.54% 38 1158 2.10% 29 878 2.88% 718 21528 2.19%
4 74 2232 3.24% 58 1746 3.16% 48 1453 4.77% 1152 34571 3.52%
5 76 2281 3.32% 56 1694 3.07% 36 1103 3.62% 893 26804 2.73%
6 71 2157 3.14% 53 1618 2.93% 47 1426 4.68% 1188 35645 3.63%
7 84 2536 3.69% 66 1989 3.60% 45 1357 4.45% 1501 45030 4.58%
8 110 3304 4.80% 94 2845 5.15% 40 1219 4.00% 1455 43644 4.44%
9 117 3536 5.14% 96 2890 5.23% 35 1078 3.54% 1497 44913 4.57%
10 145 4366 6.35% 117 3534 6.40% 90 2713 8.90% 2317 69521 7.07%
11 160 4822 7.01% 137 4117 7.46% 85 2576 8.45% 2787 83607 8.50%
12 102 3085 4.48% 91 2742 4.97% 23 708 2.32% 1338 40133 4.08%
13 72 2168 3.15% 52 1568 2.84% 31 956 3.14% 919 27561 2.80%
14 104 3145 4.57% 83 2494 4.52% 33 1014 3.33% 1421 42623 4.34%
15 133 4008 5.83% 113 3410 6.18% 32 982 3.22% 1664 49921 5.08%
16 98 2943 4.28% 80 2418 4.38% 31 935 3.07% 1201 36028 3.66%
17 103 3090 4.49% 81 2453 4.44% 35 1071 3.51% 1344 40321 4.10%
18 107 3234 4.70% 86 2580 4.67% 40 1225 4.02% 1410 42297 4.30%
19 103 3094 4.50% 85 2574 4.66% 39 1194 3.92% 1417 42521 4.33%
20 102 3070 4.46% 79 2385 4.32% 41 1242 4.07% 1410 42296 4.30%
21 81 2431 3.53% 63 1912 3.46% 34 1028 3.37% 1053 31591 3.21%
22 65 1952 2.84% 50 1504 2.72% 25 759 2.49% 934 28031 2.85%
23 74 2243 3.26% 57 1713 3.10% 34 1047 3.44% 999 29979 3.05%

Top 30 of 1100 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3253 4.73% 132470 13.47% /
2 2192 3.19% 116493 11.85% /homepage
3 1950 2.83% 4886 0.50% /robots.txt
4 1267 1.84% 18801 1.91% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
5 824 1.20% 25271 2.57% /news-events
6 522 0.76% 660 0.07% /sites/default/files/favicon.ico
7 491 0.71% 44805 4.56% /sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js
8 491 0.71% 963 0.10% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/jquery.hoverIntent.js
9 476 0.69% 894 0.09% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/jquery.bgiframe.js
10 475 0.69% 8572 0.87% /misc/drupal.js
11 475 0.69% 5652 0.57% /sites/all/libraries/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js
12 475 0.69% 471 0.05% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/styles/default/colorbox_style.js
13 474 0.69% 1562 0.16% /misc/jquery.once.js
14 470 0.68% 698 0.07% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/nice_menus.js
15 469 0.68% 2077 0.21% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/superfish.js
16 468 0.68% 848 0.09% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/js/colorbox_load.js
17 463 0.67% 2782 0.28% /sites/all/modules/extlink/extlink.js
18 463 0.67% 2094 0.21% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/js/jquery.backstretch.min.js
19 461 0.67% 611 0.06% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/js/colorbox.js
20 459 0.67% 634 0.06% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/js/rightsstuff.js
21 447 0.65% 2246 0.23% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/styles/default/colorbox_style.css
22 444 0.65% 602 0.06% /sites/all/modules/logintoboggan/logintoboggan.css
23 441 0.64% 855 0.09% /sites/all/themes/drupstrap/css/styles.css
24 432 0.63% 1685 0.17% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/css/nice_menus.css
25 431 0.63% 2674 0.27% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/nice_menus_rs.css
26 429 0.62% 379 0.04% /sites/all/modules/ctools/css/ctools.css
27 428 0.62% 345 0.04% /sites/all/modules/ckeditor/css/ckeditor.css
28 428 0.62% 343 0.03% /sites/all/modules/extlink/extlink.css
29 426 0.62% 6935 0.71% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/style.css
30 425 0.62% 457 0.05% /sites/all/modules/views/css/views.css

Top 10 of 1100 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3253 4.73% 132470 13.47% /
2 2192 3.19% 116493 11.85% /homepage
3 491 0.71% 44805 4.56% /sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js
4 824 1.20% 25271 2.57% /news-events
5 1267 1.84% 18801 1.91% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
6 475 0.69% 8572 0.87% /misc/drupal.js
7 330 0.48% 8160 0.83% /misc/ajax.js
8 426 0.62% 6935 0.71% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/style.css
9 414 0.60% 6147 0.63% /services/media-finance-mergers-acquisitions-support/
10 475 0.69% 5652 0.57% /sites/all/libraries/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js

Top 10 of 380 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3253 4.73% 3075 40.13% /
2 1267 1.84% 1104 14.41% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
3 2 0.00% 165 2.15% /admin
4 2192 3.19% 150 1.96% /homepage
5 414 0.60% 146 1.91% /services/media-finance-mergers-acquisitions-support/
6 824 1.20% 120 1.57% /news-events
7 215 0.31% 109 1.42% /about-us
8 197 0.29% 102 1.33% /xmlrpc.php
9 90 0.13% 87 1.14% /services/entertainment-business-affairs
10 183 0.27% 63 0.82% /services/digital-content-acquisition

Top 10 of 377 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3253 4.73% 3627 46.86% /
2 1267 1.84% 516 6.67% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
3 2 0.00% 256 3.31% /admin
4 2192 3.19% 160 2.07% /homepage
5 414 0.60% 145 1.87% /services/media-finance-mergers-acquisitions-support/
6 824 1.20% 117 1.51% /news-events
7 197 0.29% 90 1.16% /xmlrpc.php
8 215 0.31% 83 1.07% /about-us
9 90 0.13% 81 1.05% /services/entertainment-business-affairs
10 183 0.27% 77 0.99% /services/digital-content-acquisition

Top 30 of 5314 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1723 2.50% 1681 3.04% 50726 5.16% 5 0.05%
2 1543 2.24% 1506 2.73% 47687 4.85% 3 0.03%
3 1487 2.16% 0 0.00% 662 0.07% 16 0.17%
4 1142 1.66% 1124 2.04% 35575 3.62% 1 0.01%
5 1098 1.60% 798 1.45% 12218 1.24% 6 0.06%
6 1042 1.51% 1042 1.89% 12453 1.27% 4 0.04%
7 1000 1.45% 997 1.81% 23504 2.39% 1 0.01%
8 625 0.91% 625 1.13% 3970 0.40% 9 0.09%
9 509 0.74% 509 0.92% 5408 0.55% 5 0.05%
10 505 0.73% 501 0.91% 7846 0.80% 5 0.05%
11 476 0.69% 142 0.26% 1825 0.19% 71 0.74%
12 475 0.69% 468 0.85% 5948 0.60% 3 0.03%
13 473 0.69% 236 0.43% 7015 0.71% 40 0.42%
14 447 0.65% 441 0.80% 5346 0.54% 12 0.13%
15 446 0.65% 445 0.81% 5334 0.54% 4 0.04%
16 438 0.64% 431 0.78% 4906 0.50% 2 0.02%
17 436 0.63% 435 0.79% 8521 0.87% 1 0.01%
18 390 0.57% 366 0.66% 8026 0.82% 1 0.01%
19 389 0.57% 389 0.70% 6478 0.66% 6 0.06%
20 374 0.54% 359 0.65% 10076 1.02% 1 0.01%
21 358 0.52% 358 0.65% 5562 0.57% 2 0.02%
22 343 0.50% 196 0.35% 4842 0.49% 23 0.24%
23 334 0.49% 318 0.58% 5437 0.55% 7 0.07%
24 323 0.47% 315 0.57% 5341 0.54% 4 0.04%
25 318 0.46% 318 0.58% 3552 0.36% 3 0.03%
26 315 0.46% 313 0.57% 3835 0.39% 2 0.02%
27 297 0.43% 297 0.54% 2061 0.21% 3 0.03%
28 287 0.42% 283 0.51% 3613 0.37% 3 0.03%
29 265 0.39% 108 0.20% 2095 0.21% 25 0.26%
30 257 0.37% 257 0.47% 2806 0.29% 2 0.02%

Top 10 of 5314 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1723 2.50% 1681 3.04% 50726 5.16% 5 0.05%
2 1543 2.24% 1506 2.73% 47687 4.85% 3 0.03%
3 1142 1.66% 1124 2.04% 35575 3.62% 1 0.01%
4 1000 1.45% 997 1.81% 23504 2.39% 1 0.01%
5 1042 1.51% 1042 1.89% 12453 1.27% 4 0.04%
6 1098 1.60% 798 1.45% 12218 1.24% 6 0.06%
7 374 0.54% 359 0.65% 10076 1.02% 1 0.01%
8 436 0.63% 435 0.79% 8521 0.87% 1 0.01%
9 390 0.57% 366 0.66% 8026 0.82% 1 0.01%
10 505 0.73% 501 0.91% 7846 0.80% 5 0.05%

Top 30 of 1026 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 25966 37.74% - (Direct Request)
2 557 0.81%
3 466 0.68%
4 464 0.67%
5 252 0.37%
6 219 0.32%
7 83 0.12%
8 59 0.09% 554fcae493e564ee0dc75bdf2ebf94caads
9 58 0.08% 45ea207d7a2b68c49582d2d22adf953aads
10 40 0.06%
11 34 0.05%
12 27 0.04%
13 20 0.03%
14 20 0.03%
15 18 0.03%
16 18 0.03%
17 17 0.02%
18 16 0.02%
19 15 0.02%
20 15 0.02%
21 15 0.02%
22 15 0.02% https://xn--b1afa8aadj2b4a.xn--p1ai/
23 14 0.02%
24 14 0.02%
25 14 0.02%
26 13 0.02%
27 12 0.02%
28 12 0.02%
29 12 0.02%
30 12 0.02%

Top 15 of 972 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4388 6.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36
2 2763 4.02% (;
3 2599 3.78% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36
4 2324 3.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0
5 2139 3.11% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.2 Mobile/15E14
6 2096 3.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/6~bl; +
7 1673 2.43% ZoominfoBot (zoominfobot at zoominfo dot com)
8 1613 2.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36
9 1311 1.91% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2)
10 1274 1.85% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36
11 1142 1.66% Wget/1.14 (linux-gnu)
12 1042 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36
13 1017 1.48% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.80 Safari/537.36
14 1001 1.45% The Knowledge AI
15 1000 1.45% Keybot Translation-Search-Machine

Usage by Country for September 2019

Top 30 of 92 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 26746 38.87% 21460 38.87% 426433 43.38% Unresolved/Unknown
2 18435 26.79% 15092 27.33% 258401 26.28% Commercial (com)
3 9503 13.81% 8227 14.90% 132074 13.43% Network (net)
4 2062 3.00% 74 0.13% 5034 0.51% Russian Federation
5 1868 2.72% 1673 3.03% 31656 3.22% Germany
6 1853 2.69% 1730 3.13% 21297 2.17% Netherlands
7 1753 2.55% 1403 2.54% 21058 2.14% European Union
8 791 1.15% 732 1.33% 10191 1.04% Brazil
9 570 0.83% 546 0.99% 11152 1.13% Switzerland
10 521 0.76% 499 0.90% 7178 0.73% India
11 390 0.57% 387 0.70% 5684 0.58% Australia
12 388 0.56% 240 0.43% 1982 0.20% Non-Profit (org)
13 357 0.52% 324 0.59% 4150 0.42% Czech Republic
14 356 0.52% 300 0.54% 3930 0.40% China
15 352 0.51% 327 0.59% 4921 0.50% Greece
16 292 0.42% 273 0.49% 3925 0.40% Educational (edu)
17 261 0.38% 258 0.47% 3219 0.33% Argentina
18 242 0.35% 233 0.42% 2853 0.29% Canada
19 148 0.22% 148 0.27% 1840 0.19% International (int)
20 146 0.21% 143 0.26% 2242 0.23% Bosnia and Herzegovina
21 143 0.21% 142 0.26% 2236 0.23% Singapore
22 120 0.17% 113 0.20% 1494 0.15% France
23 119 0.17% 116 0.21% 1383 0.14% Norway
24 118 0.17% 118 0.21% 1467 0.15% Spain
25 111 0.16% 111 0.20% 1322 0.13% Slovenia
26 104 0.15% 15 0.03% 1025 0.10% Ukraine
27 100 0.15% 100 0.18% 679 0.07% United States
28 88 0.13% 16 0.03% 1715 0.17% Tokelau
29 69 0.10% 65 0.12% 1869 0.19% United Kingdom
30 60 0.09% 60 0.11% 1364 0.14% Turkey

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21