Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2019
Generated 01-Aug-2019 03:42 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2019
Total Hits 54050
Total Files 40416
Total Pages 26051
Total Visits 9397
Total KBytes 762406
Total Unique Sites 5084
Total Unique URLs 968
Total Unique Referrers 538
Total Unique User Agents 892
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 72 402
Hits per Day 1743 2494
Files per Day 1303 1927
Pages per Day 840 1798
Sites per Day 164 408
Visits per Day 303 416
KBytes per Day 24594 48356
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 74.78% 40416
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.02% 12
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 11.47% 6200
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.35% 191
Code 403 - Forbidden 6.81% 3679
Code 404 - Not Found 6.43% 3478
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.14% 74

Daily usage for July 2019

Daily Statistics for July 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2104 3.89% 1550 3.84% 1220 4.68% 358 3.81% 310 6.10% 27143 3.56%
2 2208 4.09% 1356 3.36% 1047 4.02% 312 3.32% 242 4.76% 22619 2.97%
3 2494 4.61% 1869 4.62% 1177 4.52% 278 2.96% 278 5.47% 37340 4.90%
4 1959 3.62% 1607 3.98% 1003 3.85% 242 2.58% 248 4.88% 27227 3.57%
5 1320 2.44% 821 2.03% 715 2.74% 262 2.79% 204 4.01% 15501 2.03%
6 2230 4.13% 1669 4.13% 1798 6.90% 294 3.13% 257 5.06% 48356 6.34%
7 1363 2.52% 618 1.53% 944 3.62% 310 3.30% 279 5.49% 13766 1.81%
8 1654 3.06% 1009 2.50% 965 3.70% 365 3.88% 306 6.02% 21251 2.79%
9 2045 3.78% 1626 4.02% 763 2.93% 280 2.98% 283 5.57% 28523 3.74%
10 1906 3.53% 1371 3.39% 818 3.14% 320 3.41% 316 6.22% 23332 3.06%
11 1614 2.99% 1209 2.99% 616 2.36% 261 2.78% 266 5.23% 20225 2.65%
12 1676 3.10% 1264 3.13% 730 2.80% 311 3.31% 285 5.61% 25940 3.40%
13 1124 2.08% 761 1.88% 610 2.34% 259 2.76% 217 4.27% 14921 1.96%
14 916 1.69% 558 1.38% 582 2.23% 335 3.56% 321 6.31% 14398 1.89%
15 1706 3.16% 1375 3.40% 481 1.85% 276 2.94% 272 5.35% 24061 3.16%
16 1912 3.54% 1555 3.85% 712 2.73% 231 2.46% 233 4.58% 28180 3.70%
17 1353 2.50% 1134 2.81% 497 1.91% 221 2.35% 225 4.43% 21268 2.79%
18 1960 3.63% 1647 4.08% 577 2.21% 261 2.78% 248 4.88% 31174 4.09%
19 1656 3.06% 1452 3.59% 542 2.08% 256 2.72% 273 5.37% 22501 2.95%
20 1102 2.04% 857 2.12% 750 2.88% 272 2.89% 273 5.37% 18680 2.45%
21 1846 3.42% 1356 3.36% 1049 4.03% 330 3.51% 350 6.88% 23049 3.02%
22 2030 3.76% 1395 3.45% 1326 5.09% 272 2.89% 292 5.74% 31331 4.11%
23 1435 2.65% 1078 2.67% 585 2.25% 295 3.14% 320 6.29% 20624 2.71%
24 1994 3.69% 1629 4.03% 998 3.83% 334 3.55% 311 6.12% 26399 3.46%
25 2122 3.93% 1717 4.25% 1041 4.00% 305 3.25% 320 6.29% 30881 4.05%
26 1762 3.26% 1232 3.05% 854 3.28% 357 3.80% 303 5.96% 24053 3.15%
27 1386 2.56% 1081 2.67% 784 3.01% 334 3.55% 302 5.94% 19768 2.59%
28 991 1.83% 671 1.66% 562 2.16% 313 3.33% 280 5.51% 15766 2.07%
29 2417 4.47% 1927 4.77% 860 3.30% 406 4.32% 408 8.03% 35052 4.60%
30 1988 3.68% 1646 4.07% 739 2.84% 416 4.43% 403 7.93% 26123 3.43%
31 1777 3.29% 1376 3.40% 706 2.71% 340 3.62% 294 5.78% 22951 3.01%

Hourly usage for July 2019

Hourly Statistics for July 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 58 1826 3.38% 43 1336 3.31% 37 1173 4.50% 796 24668 3.24%
1 67 2077 3.84% 47 1469 3.63% 44 1373 5.27% 1171 36308 4.76%
2 59 1844 3.41% 46 1429 3.54% 38 1207 4.63% 1255 38896 5.10%
3 48 1492 2.76% 30 947 2.34% 29 912 3.50% 720 22318 2.93%
4 70 2190 4.05% 48 1510 3.74% 44 1368 5.25% 1080 33490 4.39%
5 71 2201 4.07% 47 1473 3.64% 36 1134 4.35% 1054 32674 4.29%
6 51 1588 2.94% 33 1041 2.58% 28 898 3.45% 647 20050 2.63%
7 55 1724 3.19% 39 1215 3.01% 26 811 3.11% 688 21324 2.80%
8 60 1866 3.45% 44 1374 3.40% 30 939 3.60% 791 24536 3.22%
9 69 2147 3.97% 46 1455 3.60% 34 1074 4.12% 872 27045 3.55%
10 77 2388 4.42% 52 1612 3.99% 47 1487 5.71% 1082 33538 4.40%
11 117 3640 6.73% 96 3002 7.43% 44 1382 5.30% 1711 53053 6.96%
12 70 2183 4.04% 48 1508 3.73% 34 1063 4.08% 856 26544 3.48%
13 101 3153 5.83% 76 2356 5.83% 41 1292 4.96% 1366 42354 5.56%
14 60 1890 3.50% 45 1408 3.48% 28 892 3.42% 798 24753 3.25%
15 86 2679 4.96% 71 2208 5.46% 33 1051 4.03% 1298 40224 5.28%
16 78 2425 4.49% 58 1824 4.51% 32 1009 3.87% 1047 32465 4.26%
17 81 2522 4.67% 63 1976 4.89% 28 882 3.39% 1052 32601 4.28%
18 76 2367 4.38% 57 1784 4.41% 31 976 3.75% 973 30155 3.96%
19 80 2507 4.64% 65 2019 5.00% 30 931 3.57% 1093 33888 4.44%
20 54 1690 3.13% 40 1260 3.12% 24 772 2.96% 832 25801 3.38%
21 87 2707 5.01% 71 2205 5.46% 35 1088 4.18% 1213 37591 4.93%
22 82 2561 4.74% 69 2168 5.36% 30 960 3.69% 1105 34270 4.49%
23 76 2383 4.41% 59 1837 4.55% 44 1377 5.29% 1092 33861 4.44%

Top 30 of 968 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2338 4.33% 5849 0.77% /robots.txt
2 2303 4.26% 103892 13.63% /
3 1132 2.09% 16799 2.20% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
4 1037 1.92% 55363 7.26% /homepage
5 563 1.04% 8698 1.14% /news-events/cannes-film-festival-marche-du-film-next-cannes-may-14-25-2019/
6 443 0.82% 13405 1.76% /news-events
7 408 0.75% 800 0.10% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/jquery.hoverIntent.js
8 406 0.75% 7323 0.96% /misc/drupal.js
9 396 0.73% 4688 0.61% /sites/all/libraries/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js
10 396 0.73% 504 0.07% /sites/default/files/favicon.ico
11 395 0.73% 391 0.05% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/styles/default/colorbox_style.js
12 393 0.73% 1295 0.17% /misc/jquery.once.js
13 392 0.73% 35801 4.70% /sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js
14 390 0.72% 1727 0.23% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/superfish.js
15 389 0.72% 704 0.09% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/js/colorbox_load.js
16 389 0.72% 1755 0.23% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/js/jquery.backstretch.min.js
17 385 0.71% 531 0.07% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/js/rightsstuff.js
18 384 0.71% 2306 0.30% /sites/all/modules/extlink/extlink.js
19 383 0.71% 720 0.09% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/jquery.bgiframe.js
20 380 0.70% 1489 0.20% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/css/nice_menus.css
21 368 0.68% 488 0.06% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/js/colorbox.js
22 367 0.68% 294 0.04% /sites/all/modules/extlink/extlink.css
23 366 0.68% 393 0.05% /sites/all/modules/views/css/views.css
24 365 0.68% 294 0.04% /sites/all/modules/ckeditor/css/ckeditor.css
25 365 0.68% 709 0.09% /sites/all/themes/drupstrap/css/styles.css
26 364 0.67% 541 0.07% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/nice_menus.js
27 363 0.67% 321 0.04% /sites/all/modules/ctools/css/ctools.css
28 363 0.67% 2257 0.30% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/nice_menus_rs.css
29 363 0.67% 5923 0.78% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/style.css
30 362 0.67% 1827 0.24% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/styles/default/colorbox_style.css

Top 10 of 968 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2303 4.26% 103892 13.63% /
2 1037 1.92% 55363 7.26% /homepage
3 392 0.73% 35801 4.70% /sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js
4 1132 2.09% 16799 2.20% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
5 443 0.82% 13405 1.76% /news-events
6 563 1.04% 8698 1.14% /news-events/cannes-film-festival-marche-du-film-next-cannes-may-14-25-2019/
7 406 0.75% 7323 0.96% /misc/drupal.js
8 256 0.47% 6325 0.83% /misc/ajax.js
9 363 0.67% 5923 0.78% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/style.css
10 2338 4.33% 5849 0.77% /robots.txt

Top 10 of 389 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2303 4.26% 3820 46.15% /
2 1132 2.09% 930 11.23% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
3 563 1.04% 186 2.25% /news-events/cannes-film-festival-marche-du-film-next-cannes-may-14-25-2019/
4 1037 1.92% 149 1.80% /homepage
5 443 0.82% 144 1.74% /news-events
6 223 0.41% 125 1.51% /about-us
7 303 0.56% 118 1.43% /services/research-seminars
8 117 0.22% 109 1.32% /services/entertainment-business-affairs
9 201 0.37% 93 1.12% /services/digital-content-acquisition
10 79 0.15% 75 0.91% /user/

Top 10 of 397 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2303 4.26% 4423 53.50% /
2 1132 2.09% 411 4.97% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
3 563 1.04% 186 2.25% /news-events/cannes-film-festival-marche-du-film-next-cannes-may-14-25-2019/
4 1037 1.92% 146 1.77% /homepage
5 443 0.82% 137 1.66% /news-events
6 117 0.22% 106 1.28% /services/entertainment-business-affairs
7 201 0.37% 96 1.16% /services/digital-content-acquisition
8 303 0.56% 90 1.09% /services/research-seminars
9 223 0.41% 84 1.02% /about-us
10 250 0.46% 80 0.97% /contact

Top 30 of 5084 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3863 7.15% 659 1.63% 26130 3.43% 427 4.54%
2 1384 2.56% 1048 2.59% 16179 2.12% 7 0.07%
3 600 1.11% 594 1.47% 6908 0.91% 15 0.16%
4 504 0.93% 203 0.50% 10121 1.33% 2 0.02%
5 483 0.89% 475 1.18% 18013 2.36% 1 0.01%
6 413 0.76% 413 1.02% 6623 0.87% 4 0.04%
7 398 0.74% 398 0.98% 6325 0.83% 5 0.05%
8 396 0.73% 396 0.98% 6321 0.83% 3 0.03%
9 393 0.73% 393 0.97% 6221 0.82% 4 0.04%
10 373 0.69% 358 0.89% 10052 1.32% 1 0.01%
11 365 0.68% 344 0.85% 3840 0.50% 86 0.92%
12 355 0.66% 348 0.86% 12481 1.64% 1 0.01%
13 265 0.49% 145 0.36% 3809 0.50% 23 0.24%
14 259 0.48% 259 0.64% 3794 0.50% 6 0.06%
15 252 0.47% 239 0.59% 4089 0.54% 9 0.10%
16 247 0.46% 245 0.61% 3038 0.40% 2 0.02%
17 231 0.43% 227 0.56% 2930 0.38% 3 0.03%
18 230 0.43% 120 0.30% 4566 0.60% 1 0.01%
19 224 0.41% 224 0.55% 2675 0.35% 2 0.02%
20 221 0.41% 221 0.55% 2651 0.35% 2 0.02%
21 213 0.39% 208 0.51% 3174 0.42% 2 0.02%
22 208 0.38% 157 0.39% 2938 0.39% 59 0.63%
23 198 0.37% 198 0.49% 2715 0.36% 2 0.02%
24 197 0.36% 197 0.49% 2045 0.27% 2 0.02%
25 186 0.34% 186 0.46% 2096 0.27% 1 0.01%
26 186 0.34% 185 0.46% 3151 0.41% 1 0.01%
27 184 0.34% 151 0.37% 2517 0.33% 6 0.06%
28 184 0.34% 183 0.45% 2476 0.32% 1 0.01%
29 183 0.34% 182 0.45% 2589 0.34% 1 0.01%
30 181 0.33% 181 0.45% 2779 0.36% 2 0.02%

Top 10 of 5084 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3863 7.15% 659 1.63% 26130 3.43% 427 4.54%
2 483 0.89% 475 1.18% 18013 2.36% 1 0.01%
3 1384 2.56% 1048 2.59% 16179 2.12% 7 0.07%
4 355 0.66% 348 0.86% 12481 1.64% 1 0.01%
5 504 0.93% 203 0.50% 10121 1.33% 2 0.02%
6 373 0.69% 358 0.89% 10052 1.32% 1 0.01%
7 600 1.11% 594 1.47% 6908 0.91% 15 0.16%
8 413 0.76% 413 1.02% 6623 0.87% 4 0.04%
9 398 0.74% 398 0.98% 6325 0.83% 5 0.05%
10 396 0.73% 396 0.98% 6321 0.83% 3 0.03%

Top 30 of 538 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 24402 45.15% - (Direct Request)
2 264 0.49%
3 216 0.40%
4 199 0.37%
5 176 0.33%
6 49 0.09% 554fcae493e564ee0dc75bdf2ebf94caads
7 47 0.09% 45ea207d7a2b68c49582d2d22adf953aads
8 39 0.07%
9 23 0.04%
10 20 0.04%
11 16 0.03%
12 15 0.03%
13 15 0.03%
14 15 0.03%
15 15 0.03%
16 15 0.03%
17 12 0.02%
18 12 0.02%
19 12 0.02%
20 12 0.02%
21 12 0.02%
22 12 0.02%
23 12 0.02%
24 12 0.02%
25 12 0.02% https://xn--80aaafbn2bc2ahdfrfkln6l.xn--p1ai/
26 10 0.02%
27 10 0.02%
28 10 0.02%
29 10 0.02%
30 9 0.02%

Top 15 of 892 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 3863 7.15% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,
2 3521 6.51% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36
3 1906 3.53% The Knowledge AI
4 1720 3.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36
5 1589 2.94% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
6 1494 2.76% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36
7 1483 2.74% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/3~bl; +
8 1482 2.74% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.1 Mobile/15E14
9 1429 2.64% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
10 1316 2.43% ZoominfoBot (zoominfobot at zoominfo dot com)
11 1023 1.89% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2)
12 981 1.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.1; en-us; Nexus 5 Build/JOP40D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko; googleweblight) Chrome
13 838 1.55% netEstate NE Crawler (+
14 727 1.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534+ (KHTML, like Gecko) BingPreview/1.0b
15 721 1.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for July 2019

Top 30 of 83 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 21136 39.10% 13791 34.12% 269836 35.39% Unresolved/Unknown
2 17375 32.15% 13520 33.45% 241631 31.69% Commercial (com)
3 5493 10.16% 4676 11.57% 86994 11.41% Network (net)
4 2707 5.01% 2218 5.49% 63008 8.26% Germany
5 1476 2.73% 1397 3.46% 18576 2.44% Netherlands
6 1062 1.96% 1058 2.62% 11805 1.55% Canada
7 501 0.93% 493 1.22% 6963 0.91% India
8 485 0.90% 480 1.19% 6379 0.84% France
9 453 0.84% 320 0.79% 6021 0.79% New Zealand
10 422 0.78% 124 0.31% 6009 0.79% European Union
11 302 0.56% 240 0.59% 4426 0.58% Brazil
12 245 0.45% 232 0.57% 2868 0.38% Czech Republic
13 225 0.42% 222 0.55% 2708 0.36% Hungary
14 222 0.41% 222 0.55% 2652 0.35% Belgium
15 180 0.33% 168 0.42% 2679 0.35% Argentina
16 172 0.32% 134 0.33% 2226 0.29% Italy
17 164 0.30% 22 0.05% 2366 0.31% Tokelau
18 155 0.29% 150 0.37% 2035 0.27% Greece
19 148 0.27% 144 0.36% 2370 0.31% Australia
20 116 0.21% 116 0.29% 1402 0.18% Educational (edu)
21 109 0.20% 75 0.19% 1241 0.16% China
22 104 0.19% 72 0.18% 1229 0.16% Russian Federation
23 102 0.19% 102 0.25% 2973 0.39% Switzerland
24 71 0.13% 32 0.08% 720 0.09% Poland
25 65 0.12% 62 0.15% 1836 0.24% United Kingdom
26 47 0.09% 39 0.10% 1093 0.14% Indonesia
27 44 0.08% 4 0.01% 441 0.06% United States
28 41 0.08% 35 0.09% 1045 0.14% Turkey
29 39 0.07% 34 0.08% 1070 0.14% Japan
30 34 0.06% 34 0.08% 981 0.13% Kazakhstan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21