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Blending the “know-who’’ (and where), with the “know-how’’ (and what)


As agents for content-buying platforms, including niche and micro-niche, we help them quickly source and negotiate the right content for their services, and from the right parties in the complex matrix of rights holders in the digital sector.

Our acquisition expertise ranges from mainstream North American and English content suppliers (such as MPAA Major Studios to the maze of thousands of international and foreign language independent suppliers. It extends across virtually all genres, from fiction to documentary, from drama to comedy, from children and family to SciFi, and from lifestyle to wildlife. This also includes web content, cross- platform, and other formats.

Over the years Rights Stuff has built a unique and elaborate Database with accumulated knowledge of suppliers, rights, windows and content. In addition it contains the in-roads and shortcuts to content, discovered during our previous acquisition and other activities. 


VOD is a ‘’no precedent’’ environment where we have created or adapted innovative deal structures, pricing approaches, and deal forms from commercial to legal terms. We did this for Pay TV and Transactional VOD (TVOD) during the first days of VOD, and then for the newer Ad-supported VOD (AVOD) and FAST channels, Subscription VOD (SVOD) models, and more recently Blockchain VOD, Premium VOD, Festival Streaming VOD,  Virtual Cinema and FAST channels (linear ad supported).  Our Deal structures address licensing business and rights issues including , ’’catchup’’, hybrid VOD blended models, VOD service ‘’carriage’’ on multiple devices (TV, mobile, tablet) and multiple platforms including telecom, cable and OTT.

One of our key advantages is that when wearing a buyer hat, we can still draw on our legal background to help resolve apparent rights issues pragmatically, and to cross the bridge between creative, business and legal stages in deal making.

  • MAJOR and MINI-MAJOR STUDIO OUTPUT DEALS: We have done over 200 MPAA Major Studio ‘’output’’ deals globally, covering not only business deal terms but the complex legal long forms
  • INDIES: For the independent sector, we craft from scratch, or adapt and update, short practical deal forms tailored to the platform’s services so as to expedite deal making and reduce legal costs and time


We cost-effectively accelerate our clients’ service launches and expansion. In the process we empower platform clients’ in-house teams. Because we act as agents, they keep the direct relationship with the suppliers going forward, after the initial ‘’heavy lifting’’ by Rights Stuff in sorting the first volume of deals.