“…It’s the mix of their international track record and an amazing network, the ‘know-how’ and the ’know-who’ in entertainment and digital … that’s what makes them so good at what they do!”
News & events
Berlinale/European Film Market (EFM)- Berlin (virtual)
Feb 10-17, 2022: Wendy attended Berlinale's EFM virtually on behalf of streaming, producer and digital sector sales clients, durng the Industry Sessions, as well handling various expert meetings (one to one meetings) in digital/tech/blockchain, for EFM Startups (Horizons) on Feb 23.
Trieste Film Fest/When East Meets West - January 2022 (Virtual)
Erich Pommer Institut - Dec. 10- Art of Negotiation - Kickoff (Berlin, virtual)
Dec. 10, 2021: 9-11am: "The Art of Negotiating Agreements for Film and TV'': Wendy Bernfeld and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Michel lead a private virtual 'kickoff' for an intensive three-day EPI workshop on negotiation theory, tips, tricks, etc scheduled for April 28-30, 2022.
Finnish Film Foundation Private VoD Seminar Day - Dec. 7 - Helsinki (Virtual)
Dec 7, 2021: 9-5pm: Wendy leads a private seminar entitled: ''Finding Your Way through the International VOD/OTT Platform Explosion'', for Finnish doc/indie film producers, beginning with a detailed lecture, pragmatics, group Q&A and then select private one-to-one project mee
IDFA (International Doc Fest Amsterdam) Nov 17-28
Nov.21, 2021: 3-430 pm: Wendy moderates a IDFA Industry panel talk entitled ''Innovations in (Online) Distribution – Revisited", joined by Anke van Diejen (PICL)
Swiss Films - Private Workshop - Nov. 16, 2021 (Virtual)
Nov. 16, 2021: Wendy presents to in-house teams at Swiss Films agency via a private virtual session, regarding tapping into the digital/ott/vod sector internationally. For more info on SwissFilms' mission and activities, read more here.
VR DAYS EUROPE - Amsterdam - Nov. 13-1, 2021
Nov. 13-17, 2021: VR DAYS EUROPE - Wendy attends Immersive Tech Week/VR/XR conferences, Church of VR Experiences/demos and participates as a Decisionmaker/expert on projects in development, including various one to one meetings with producers, on Nov. 17 2021.
Nov.5, 2021 - 9-1030am PST: (Virtual): Wendy presents an Industry lecture entitled "Beyond the Usual Suspects: International VOD/Digital Opportunities for Indies'' followed by Q&A.
IFTA LIVE WEBINAR - VOD - Sept 29 2021 - L.A. (Virtual)
Sept 29,2021: 9-1030am PST: Wendy moderates 'Content Licensing in a VOD World" a private IFTA members-only panel of industry experts from ACI, Brainstorm, Fortissimo and ScreenMedia/CracklePlus, all sharing their intel and experiences on the practical side of VOD and pla
Venice Biennale FilmFestival, Gap Funding Market and VR Expanded - Sept. 2021
Aug/Sept 2021: Wendy attends Venice Biennale (virtually/online) Film Festival, Venice Production Bridge (Gap Funding market) and VR Expanded events, on behalf of digital sector clients in VOD, blockchain, and vr/xr.