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Stategic Partners (SP)/Transatlantic Partners (TAP), Atlantic Film Festival, Halifax, Canada 13-20 September 2012

Wednesday, 12 September @ 11:15-13:00:  The Playing Field Expands: Digital Opportunities for Indie Producers
Sunday, 16 September@11:15-12:30:  Panel:  The Content Conundrum

Rights Stuff MD, Wendy Bernfeld, will attend the Atlantic Film Festival's industry events /market as a lecturer and panelist, as well as an expert tutor on digital in a related onsite producer training program.  While there, Wendy delivers a talk on issues around digital distribution rights and funding in the new media landscape.  She also participates on a panel that looks at new opportunities for collaboration between indie producers, online and broadcasting platforms including the made-for-web and cross platform genres.

Click for more information.