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Europa Distribution Workshop, Paris, 5-7 July 2011

"Trends in the Distribution Windows for Movies: The impact of New Technologies on Existing Markets"
Tuesday, 5 July @ 3:30-6:00
Location: Bibiothèque Nationale de France (BNF)

On 5 July, Rights Stuff MD, Wendy Bernfeld, will give a presentation entitled "Trends in Distribution Windows for Movies" to the members of the European Network of Independent Distributors. Among other things she presents various case examples of innovative windowing (pre-premieres  and/or day and date offerings between the internet, video on demand, 
mobile, television, along with evolutions in video on demand business and consumer models, 2nd screen phenomena (including apps for film services) and various digital new platforms and new market players licensing and/ or funding films across these different windows 

For more information on the event, please click here. The info will be updated after the event.